Защита цветов от болезней. Комнатные цветы часто страдают от загнивания в зимний период, а также при размножении черенками. Препарат Фитоспорин М — цветы поможет укоренить черенки и защитить комнатные цветы от корневых гнилей и других грибковых болезней.
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Use less time and effort, for better results. Know and be familiar with a few key tools you need. Video inspired by a conversation with Stephanie Hafferty, from questions asked on the FB Group Undug.
I show efficient and easy use of just a few tools. We start with moving compost in my old wheelbarrow, a vital tool.
You see how a manure fork contrasts with a digging fork. I use the former to load a wheelbarrow, and break lumps of compost so that spreading is more even and compost is then more available to soil organisms
Bosch demo hammer: amzn.to/2zSqJuy still needs the shovel attachment: amzn.to/2z6CQnm
A well reviewed option for less than $200: amzn.to/3dD7pjC
Quikrete Concrete Expansion Joint: amzn.to/2A30IIX
Due to requests, I am now including links to products when possible. These links are provided for reference, no company or individual paid to be in this video. Depending on the vendor, a small commission might be paid and if so, would be used to support continuing this channel.
Amazon Prime free 30-day trial: amzn.to/2U9pttN
Installing a walkway can be a very labor intensive job, but if you do it yourself, you can save a lot of money over hiring contractor.
Before you get started, you’ll need the following materials.
-fiber reinforced concrete
-claw hammer
-line level: amzn.to/2AxwsFX or amzn.to/3gYpxGL
-wooden stakes
-expansion joints: we used amzn.to/2A30IIX
-wood forms
-Bosch electric shovel: amzn.to/2zSqJuy or manual equivalent
-concrete mixing tools
-tape measure
First, determine how long and how wide you want your walkway to be. After you’ve measured the width, drive a stake into the ground on both sides of where you’ll begin, these stakes will be your reference points for the remainder of the project.
Then, attach a screw to the lower third of the first stake. Use a line level to make sure you’ve got the proper angle of drainage away from the house.
The line level is basically a long piece of string strung through a small level. The string fits through two holes on top of the level, so you can slide the level along the string.
Take one end of the string, attach it to the screw you’ve installed on the first stake, drive a second stake at the end of your proposed walkway. Attach the other end of the string to this stake and check to make sure that you will have proper drainage. In other words, you don’t want the bubble to show “level”,you want there to be a slight slope away from the house. (Failure to make sure water will drain away from your house could later cause foundation problems)
Next, use a shovel or the Bosch electric shovel, to dig out the area of your walk.
Once this is done, sink a stake about ever two feet on both sides of the cut out ground where your walkway will go. Then take 3” X 4’ pieces of plywood and attach them at ground level to the stakes. You can use a cordless screwdriver to hold the plywood to the stakes. These pieces of wood are your concrete forms which will hold the cement in place when you’re ready to pour the walkway.
But first, put in your expansion joints. Expansion joints are installed about every three feet and are used to keep your concrete from cracking during expansion and contraction in hot and cold weather.
Using fiber reinforced concrete, which we used in this segment, is a good idea. The hundreds of thousands of tiny fibers give the concrete extra strength as is hardens, thereby eliminating the need for wire mesh or re-bar to support ordinary concrete.
Mix your concrete in a wheelbarrow. Then pour the walkway into the forms. Use a trowel to smooth it out and make sure you have a nice even finish.
TIP: Before the concrete dries, use a broom to give the surface texture. Simply take a broom and lightly sweep across the concrete from side to side. This will put small grooves into the concrete surface as it dries and will reduce the chance of your walkway being slippery when wet.
After the concrete has thoroughly dried (usually five days) remove the outer forms and stakes and you’ve got a beautiful walkway.
The material used to install the backyard sidewalk was Quikrete Fiber Reinforced Concrete.
Quikrete’s fiber reinforced concrete contains hundreds of thousands of tiny fibers which finish smooth, eliminating the need for wire mesh or heavy re-bar in many slab-on-grade applications like walkways, patios steps etc. Specially developed to minimize cracking, chipping and flaking.
Fiber reinforced concrete also dramatically reduces cracking caused by drying shrinkage.
Quikrete Expansion Joint Strips, amzn.to/2A30IIX protect concrete slabs from potential damage caused by expansion and contraction. Made from cane fiber, the five foot long strips are weather resistant, absorb very little water, and do not become brittle in cold weather.
This video will show you how to plant grass seed to fix or repair bare or dead spots in the lawn. I also discuss my above ground sprinkler system and you can find out more about that here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEN0d6efQJs
Ryan Knorr Lawn Care is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate programs below. An affiliate advertising program is designed to provide a means for sites and creators to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com or other product sites. I receive a small commission through these links.
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My «maximum compost» method for starting out. Add a lot to make new beds, then very little in subsequent years. The cardboard is only for this stage of smothering weeds — keep them in the dark and they expire! Then you dont need to lay any more cardboard, once there are no weeds.
For how to continue, see my Tools and Techniques video www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic0LrNBuSi4
You can use less compost. Lay thick card on weeds then 2in/5cm compost asap in early spring, and wet the card if its dry. Then use a trowel to cut potato size holes in the card and a little into the weedy soil below, to pop in a seed potato. This can give some harvest by summer, while killing weeds too, but you must pull any weeds you see :)
Using less compost for no dig www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC6OBOyQ0mY
If you do not have access to any compost, use old leaves, manure at least half-decomposed — or at limit the one month old you see in this video. Results in year one will be less brilliant than in subsequent years, but you will be clearing weeds easily as well as having a harvest.
Vegetables like potatoes, squash and zucchini grow well though cardboard and less-perfect compost. After they finish you could plant kale or leeks etc.
POSTSCRIPT JULY 2020 the Charlotte potatoes from the two beds in the thumbnail photo gave 54kg/119lb. Then we transplanted looks.
Immunologist Jenna Macchiochi is here www.drjennamacciochi.com/
Find more information about no dig and my garden on Instagram charles_dowding and Twitter @charlesdowding
Filmed at Homeacres 18th March 2020 by David Adams.
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As a member, you can watch a new video each month, which is exclusively for members. Your payments support my promotion and teaching of better, easier gardening. I can offer bursaries for day courses and online courses, through individuals in charge of community gardens/allotments and school gardens. Contact us through my website to enquire about bursaries charlesdowding.co.uk/contact-us/
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