Немного интересного о Лавре Благородном, Оливковом дереве, Мирте, перечном и «денежном» дереве и других интересных растениях в домашних условиях.
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This video will show you how to plant grass seed to fix or repair bare or dead spots in the lawn. I also discuss my above ground sprinkler system and you can find out more about that here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEN0d6efQJs
Ryan Knorr Lawn Care is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate programs below. An affiliate advertising program is designed to provide a means for sites and creators to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com or other product sites. I receive a small commission through these links.
This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook resuscitates a dying lawn. (See below for a shopping list and tools.)
SUBSCRIBE to This Old House: bit.ly/SubscribeThisOldHouse
Shopping List for Fixing a Patchy, Weedy Lawn:
— compost [https://amzn.to/2Y70C9F]
— 9-3-4 fertilizer [https://amzn.to/2Wl2OcS]
— blended grass seed [https://amzn.to/2ZSBhC3]
About This Old House TV:
This Old House is the No. 1 multimedia home enthusiast brand, offering trusted information and expert advice through award-winning television, a highly regarded magazine, and an information-driven website. This Old House and Ask This Old House are produced by This Old House Ventures, LLC and are presented on PBS by WETA Washington, DC.
Garden Decoration Ideas from cement and old tires | Garden design with beautiful small aquarium
A little creative and innovative, I have created a beautiful design for my garden decoration and you can totally follow this way to decorate your garden.
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Музыка: Fretless by Kevin MaceLeod
Link: incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/377-fretless
License: http:creativecommons.org/license/by/4.0
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